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Brow Lift

Brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate the forehead and brows.

A brow lift reduces the horizontal wrinkles of the forehead and bridge of the nose, the vertical lines between the eyebrows. It elevates sagging brows that are hooding and tightens the area around the eyes by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow. The results are a more alert and youthful position of the eyebrows.

Benefits of a Brow Lift

Removes Forehead Wrinkles
The horizontal creases across the forehead can be eliminated to leave a smooth surface to the forehead. The impact is more youthful looking skin above the eyebrows.

Corrects Frown Lines
Vertical furrows between the brows, known as “frown lines,” are eliminated to help express a more cheerful facial appearance. These frown lines are created by a muscle called the corrugator supercilii which is transected during a brow lift.

Rejuvenates Your Eyes
Aging typically causes the brows to move down. The brows droop and hang over the eyes giving a tired or angry appearance. As skin and soft tissues lose elasticity, the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes also shortens. With a brow lift, you can project a more alert and friendly appearance.

Improves Line of Sight
Excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyebrows can be lifted to correct impaired vision from this overhang hooding the eyelids. This procedure is many times performed in conjunction with an upper blepharoplasty to obtain complete rejuvenation of the eyelid and eyebrow.

How do I know when I’m ready for a brow lift?

  • Are physically healthy and do not smoke?
  • Do you have a positive outlook and realistic goals as to what a brow lift can do?
  • Are you bothered by the signs of aging that have caused unsightly wrinkle lines on your forehead?
  • Do the frown lines between the brows make you look angry or “too serious”
  • Have you noticed that your forehead skin has relaxed to a level causing your eyebrows to drop and hooding of your upper eyelids?

Types of Brow Lifts


  • Utilizes several small incisions behind your hairline, resulting in minimal scarring hidden within the hair.
  • Uses an endoscope (thin tube with a camera and light attached) for the surgeon to view your underlying muscles and tissues and adjust the internal structures.
  • The forehead can now be lifted and tissues anchored in a higher position on the scalp with sutures, small screws or another technique.
  • This corrects the source of visible creases and furrows in the forehead.
  • Because small incisions in the scalp are used this method does not efficiently eliminate excess skin but allows for a faster recovery time


  • Utilizes an incision hidden in the scalp parallel to the hairline.
  • The skin is lifted of the scalp and forehead to give the access to the underlying tissues to allow for repositioning of the skin.
  • Excess skin is removed, and the new brow position is secured as the incision is sutured together.
  • The resulting scar from a coronal brow lift is well concealed within the hair.
    Numbness behind the incision may persist for nine to twelve months


  • For women with very high foreheads, a coronal incision would cause the forehead to lengthen thus is not recommended.
  • Rather an incision just at the anterior hairline is used and the hair does not get repositioned only the forehead skin.
  • In this way the brow can be lifted without altering the height of the front hairline.
  • The resulting scar, while somewhat more visible, can often be hidden with bangs.

The Brow Lift Process


Once you fill out the online questionnaire, you will be contacted to confirm an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with the surgeon. You may also provide photos through our HIPAA compliant system and during your visit your surgeon can provide a detailed evaluation and plan for your procedure.

This appointment also includes an analysis of your health history, any medications you are taking, and what you desire to achieve with the procedure. Please have all of this information with you when you come to your appointment. All of which can be submitted electronically through our HIPAA compliant patient portal.

Preoperative Instructions

Your surgeon will review in detail all of the information you need to know prior to surgery.

Generally, patients should avoid nicotine products six weeks before surgery and stop taking anti-inflammatory medication (e.g., aspirin and ibuprofen) for at least two weeks before surgery. Some vitamins and supplements may also cause problems during or after surgery, so it is best to avoid them or to talk to your surgeon about potential side effects.

You may be asked to bathe using an antibacterial soap before your procedure.

Eating and drinking restrictions include:

  • 8 hours before the procedure – stop eating heavy meals or foods, such as meat, fried foods, or fatty foods.
  • 6 hours before the procedure – stop eating light meals or foods, such as toast or cereal.
  • 6 hours before the procedure – stop drinking milk or drinks that contain milk.
  • 2 hours before the procedure – stop drinking clear liquids.

Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home and care for you for the first 48 hours after your procedure.

During the Procedure

Brow lift surgery is performed with general anesthesia, in a surgery center, and takes approximately two to three hours to complete. An IV will be inserted into one of your veins. Based on the techniques agreed upon during your consultation, the surgeon will place the incisions as described above. Incisions are closed with absorbable sutures and sometimes staples for incisions in the scalp.


After surgery, your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level will be monitored until you leave the surgical center. You may continue to receive fluids and pain medicines through an IV. After a brow lift, your forehead might be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling. A small tube might be placed along the incision site to drain any excess blood or fluid.

Expect minimal pain, some bruising, and tenderness for which you will be provided pain medications as needed.

For the first few days after surgery you will need to get plenty of rest. Rest with your head elevated and take pain medication as recommended. Apply cold compresses to relieve swelling
Avoid exposing your incisions to excessive pressure or motion. As your incisions heal, you might experience itching and numbness, which will likely lessen over time. If your incisions are covered in bandages, your doctor will likely remove them in one to three days. Sutures typically will be removed within seven to 10 days of surgery. You should be ready to return to work and normal activity after 10-14 days.

Your surgeon will give you more detailed information about what you can expect during your recovery.

Brow Lift FAQs

Q. How do I determine which brow lift technique is right for me?

A. During your consultation, you will meet with your surgeon for an evaluation and to discuss your goals. The amount of correction you require and a variety of other factors will be taken into consideration to help determine the right technique for your individual needs.

Q. What procedures are commonly combined with brow lift surgery?

A. Facelift surgery, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and injectable fillers are often combined with brow lift surgery to achieve complete facial rejuvenation.

Q. How do I know if I need an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) combined with my brow lift to rejuvenate my eyes?

A. Sagging brows as well as excess tissue in the eyelids can contribute to vision impairment and drooping in the upper eyelids. To determine if a brow lift alone will correct this condition, place your fingers just above your eyebrows and lift them into a more favorable position. If most of the skin in the upper eyelid is improved, a brow lift is most likely right for you. If excess tissue in the eyelid remains, eyelid surgery may also be needed to rejuvenate the eyes. Lower eyelid surgery can also be performed to remove excess skin and bags below the eyes.

Q. What is the time frame for recovery after a brow lift?

A. You will be advised to sleep with your back and head elevated for the first five to seven days after the procedure, and mild activities such as walking can be performed during this time. Most patients can return to work one week after surgery, but strenuous activities and heavy lifting must be avoided for at least a few weeks. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions to follow after your procedure to ensure the safest and most effective recovery.

Q. What complications can occur?

A. As with any surgery, there is a risk of developing complications after breast augmentation. Although rare, the most common complication is capsular contracture. This results in hardening of the breasts caused by scarring surrounding the implant. It can be painful and may require more surgery. In rare cases, infection develops that cannot be treated, and an implant needs to be removed. Blood may pool near the incision area (hematoma). Damage to nearby structures or organs. Other complications include implant rupture, symmastia, double-bubble deformity, asymmetry, scarring and implant rippling. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a type of cancer that may develop after breast implants. This is rare.

Q. Is there scarring with breast augmentation?

A. Incisions are placed in locations that are as inconspicuous as possible, and the resulting scars will fade significantly over time. Protecting your scars from the sun will help prevent them from darkening.